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Type: Retail Store

19A Mott Street

New York, NY 10013


212 587-2393


Contact: Jan or Eddie

Phone: 212-587-2393

Fax: 212-732-4526

Email: jan@sinotique.com


If you’re seeking a different spin on the usual Chinatown shop, head over to Sinotique.  This gallery/curio shop brings together art and everyday objects from around the world (China, Burma, Thailand and Africa, just to name a few).  Antique and modern pieces come together with a subtle fluidity that showcase owner Jan Lee’s concept of a “universal culture.”  Sinotique even provides free postcards, featuring photos from the turn of the century.

Sinotique is a home furnishing business founded in 1992 by a 3rd generation Chinatown resident, Jan Lee who is also a full service interior designer - creating design elements, architectural layouts, and custom furniture. 

Special Programs/Features:

Tours of Sinotique can be customized to fit the interests of each group. They can include a detailed history of New York City’s Chinatown, an interactive discussion of the antiques in residence at Sinotique, appraisals of objects brought in, and so much more.

Groups can be accommodated on the following days and times:

Noon–7pm Noon–7pm Noon–7pm Noon–7pm Noon–7pm Noon–6pm

Features & Services

It takes an average of ½ hour for a group to visit our store.


Minimum persons for group event: 5

Maximum persons for group event: 25

Tour is free to all ages.