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most intriguing neighborhoods...



Radio Chinatown

Lunar New Year

In Chinatown, the New Year Means Special Food (And Money...)


The New Moon Rises

Ken Smith, music critic for Gramophone Magazine and The Financial Times, discusses the traditions associated with Chinese New Year — and how they play out in the modern cultural arena.


Food for the Year of the Ox


Ed Schoenfeld, whom Gourmet magazine has called the “curator of Chinese food in America,” explains the foods that are traditionally eaten at Chinese New Year

The number 8 in Chinese Culture


In Chinese culture, the number 8 represents good fortune. Jennifer 8 Lee , New York Times Reporter and author of The Fortune Cookie Chronicles: Adventures in the World of Chinese Food talks about the significance of the lucky digit.


Understanding the Jewish Love Affair with Chinese Food

Jennifer 8 Lee says there's an long cultural history involving both of these immigrant groups, including similar immigration patterns and non-Christian schedules.  LISTEN.

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T The Explore Chinatown campaign is a project of the Chinatown Partnership Local Development Corporation.
Chinatown New York City is located in one of the oldest neighborhoods in Manhattan.
Whether you’re seeking the best in Chinese food, Asian groceries, shopping or guided tours, come Explore Chinatown to find it all!